Diablo III is a dark fantasy cum horror themed action role playing game to be released soon. It is the third in the series of  Diablo. The game has elements of hack and slash and dungeon crawl genres. The game is set in the fantasy world of Diablo. The  world here was saved twenty years ago by some unnamed heroes in Diablo II and now those very heroes have gone mad from the  war and thus a new generation has to step in and save the world. The Diablo III is very similar to Diablo II in style and  will have its custom in house physics. The game will use a custom 3D game engine to provide an overhead view. The enemies in  the game too will use the same 3D functions for combat.

The game will have both static and randomly generated levels; there  will also be class specific quests that run along with the main story line. Three new armor pieces will be provided; shoulder  plates, arm guards and leggings. In this particular series of the game gold can be picked up easily just by touching it  unlike the earlier versions where one had to pick it up manually. The added feature is the Diablo III rmah where rmah stands  for Real Money Auction House. Here you can use the gold to buy equipment from other players on rmah, also crafting materials,  tomes, potions, characters, rune stones etcetera. Gold will be frequently sold in the game thus making it more valuable and  difficult to obtain. The diabloiiiblog.com provides more information on the game.

It also has the lastest Diablo 3 news. It  can be found also as Diablo 3 blog online. It has a comprehensive list of the classes, items, monsters, world map listed.  There is a good Diablo 3 Guide along with a Diablo 3 facts page and a section dedicated to frequently asked questions. It has  screens hits along with release speculations and a section for announcements. It provides information on interface and has  videos put up to show what the game will be like. There are invitations for participation in the beta test set of the game.  This will occur in phases. Players can access it through their battle.net accounts and Keys will also be provided through  beta promotions and giveaways. Those having the beta license can share their views, report bugs on the official forums and  give feedback on any part of the game they have come across on the blog. 

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